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  • 非華語學生的教育支援


Education Support Provided

for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) Student(s)



In order to create an inclusive and harmonious atmosphere and assist non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese and local culture, the support provided by our student support team to non-Chinese speaking students is as follows:

    •  於課後舉辦「非華語學生課後中文學習班」支援非華語學生有效學習中文,為學習中文打好基礎;

Organize "After-school Chinese Learning Class for Non-Chinese Speaking Students" after class to support non-Chinese speaking students to learn Chinese effectively and lay a solid foundation for learning Chinese;


    •  提供點讀筆讓學生於課餘時自學之用;

Provide reading pens for students to study on their own after class;


    •  經常安排戶外活動,讓學生衝出課室,認識香港,並在透過活動融入社會。

Frequently arrange outdoor activities to allow students to rush out of the classroom, learn about Hong Kong, and integrate into society through activities;


    •  定期與非華語學生的家長討論其子女的學習進度(包括中文學習);

Regularly discuss with the parents of non-Chinese speaking students their children's learning progress (including Chinese learning);


    •  為非華語學生的家長提供有關其子女選校及升學的資訊;

Provide parents of non-Chinese speaking students with information about their children's school selection and advancement;


(Educational Support Provided for NCS Students)
